Monday, January 15th 2018, 5:28 pm
Here's a chance to get know a member of the News On 6 team. Ashley Izbicki is part of the new anchor team of News On 6 at 9 p.m. You can see Ashley and co-anchor Brian Dorman, along with Meteorologist Lacey Swope, every weeknight on the Tulsa CW. She also reports for News On 6 at 10 p.m.
Follow Ashley on Facebook and Twitter.
1. What was your first job in television news?
My career began in one of the smallest news markets in the country (and probably one of the coldest!) – Alpena, Michigan. Haven’t heard of it? Neither had I, until I accepted the job out of college. I was a photographer, editor, reporter, producer and anchor. Sometimes I even did weather and sports. And, for a brief stint, I was “News Director”. WHAT?! Sounds crazy, and it was! Looking back, we were all so eager to move up, but it was one of my favorite jobs because of the incredible hands-on experience gained with co-workers who became friends who became family.
2. You have 15 minutes of free time, what do you do?
Tickle my toddler, laugh with (or at) my husband, or blast music and sing obnoxiously loud.
3. What’s in the console of your car?
Diapers, lip gloss, instant coffee packets, Quest bars, and a glass stone with a cross in the middle (A gift from my mom when I got my first car to keep me safe on the roads).
4. What’s your hidden talent?
I wish I had a hidden talent! Does wakeboarder-wannabe count? Wakesurfing, too… #lakelife. I can’t do any tricks but I can get up and ride.
5. What was your high school mascot?
Go Chargers! Crimson and Gold. I was a cheerleader for several years and was all about school spirit. I’m also a competitive person, so high school was great for me.
6. How would you describe Tulsa to someone who’s never been here?
Tulsa is the jack of all trades; there’s something for everyone. Literally, just drive down Peoria. From North Tulsa, to downtown city vibes, to eclectic historic neighborhoods, to trendy but quaint Brookside, to the scenic river parks, to suburban South Tulsa. And that’s just one of the many roads that never end. As for downtown specifically, each unique district just sucks you in. Personally, Tulsa Arts is THE place to be. I love my work neighborhood! Three coffee shops within a 3-minute walking distance?! SOLD!
January 15th, 2018
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