Monday, March 5th 2012, 10:40 pm
Investigators searched this week for the body of a 4-year-old Florida girl, Ashani Creighton, buried near 61st and Mingo in 1999.
03/05/2012 Related Story: Tulsa Police Work To Solve 1999 Cold Case Murder Mystery
Ashani's grandmother is serving a 35 year prison sentence in Oklahoma in a child abuse case involving one of her sons.
In 2003, Kaia Jackson was convicted of child abuse involving her son Jonathon over a two-year period in Tulsa. In 2001, that boy told a forensic interviewer what life was like in his home
According to court documents, Jonathon claimed his parents beat him regularly with "big boards, extension cords, belts and cable wires."
Three days before both parents were arrested, Jonathon says his father, Ernest Jackson, beat him for riding his bicycle. Jonathon also talks about the family's life in Florida before coming to Tulsa.
He says his mom wouldn't let him eat for 15 days, so he climbed out his bathroom window to grab an orange growing on a tree.
Jonathon says his mom caught him and hit him in the face with the buckle-end of a belt. He says he lost one tooth, chipped another and "had to clean all the blood up in the hallway while his mother screamed at him."
"It doesn't get much worse than that in my opinion," said Tulsa County DA Tim Harris, who remembers the case.
In 2000, Jonathon was examined for injuries and the investigation shows he had scars on his chest, abdomen, shoulders, collar bone, knees, and twenty to thirty scars on each hand.
The remaining injuries portray a child with scars and bruises from his neck to his knees on his front and back.
"It just exacerbates and cries out for justice, because it means over a period of time, this child was subjected to not just one incident of physical abuse, but incidents of abuse," Harris said.
Kaia Jackson admits to spanking Jonathon, but says it never rose to the level of abuse.
Ernest Jackson's first Tulsa trial ended in a mistrial. He was acquitted in his retrial.
In 2002, a New Jersey jury convicted him of aggravated assault and child endangerment involving another child during the 80s. He was released from prison on that case in 2009.
Kaia Jackson pleaded guilty in that same case and served 2 years in a New Jersey prison. She was paroled in 2005 and is now serving her 35 year sentence in the Tulsa case.
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