Monday, July 27th 2020, 9:21 pm
American Red Cross is asking for convalescent plasma donations as they said they are dealing with an emergency shortage of plasma from people who have recovered.
In some cases, that plasma has helped other patients recover.
Sherry Snider says she thought she was doing everything right and still tested positive for COVID-19.
"I have masked. I haven't been to a restaurant. I followed all the rules. We wiped everything down," said Snider.
She spent weeks not feeling like herself, dealing with anxiety, headaches, and extreme fatigue but she recovered and there's only one thing on her mind now.
"I want to give back," said Snider.
Sherry is in the process right now of donating her plasma to help other COVID-19 patients.
"Those convalescent plasma donations are being delivered to hospitals faster than the donations are coming into the Red Cross. It has created an emergency shortage," said Jane Hale with American Red Cross.
Donating is easy.
"You go to Right there on our front page is a whole section on COVID-19 convalescent plasma," said Hale.
Fill out the form and someone with the Red Cross will walk you through the rest. Not only can these donations help other people fighting COVID-19, but they let people who have recovered turn a negative situation into a positive one.
"In some ways, it feels like a must because it is serving others and my life is all about service, I want to give. If I can save someone's life, someone's family, a grandma or grandpa or some grandchild, that is what I want to do," said Snider.
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