Monday, February 21st 2022, 9:58 pm
The owner of a dog that viciously attacked a young boy in Spencer is speaking out.
“I’m terribly sorry that that happened to the family. my heart goes out to them. my heart is broken,” said dog owner Angel Gray.
The owner told News 9 the animal never showed any signs of aggression until it bit the boy's face.
Related: Family Left With Questions After Dog Attacks Child In Spencer
“He was a very good dog, he sits, he shakes, he sleeps in the bed with my 7-year-old,” said Gray.
But Sunday after Angel Gray claimed her neighbor's child, 1-year-old wandered into her backyard, the dog attacked.
Her husband stepped in.
“My husband was on top of the baby trying to protect him and screaming for someone to help,” said Gray.
She said J.J.'s father heard the screams and came to help and kicked the dog off of his son. He was rushed to the hospital, badly hurt.
“There's seven teams of doctors right now fighting for J.J. and may God please touch every doctor's hands,” said the child’s grandmother, Delfina Wright.
As doctors work to keep the child alive, investigators work to piece together exactly what happened.
Related: Child Recovering After Being Mauled By A Dog In Spencer
“We're getting at least two different stories as far as how the dog attacked the child,” said Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Aaron Brilbeck.
And while the sheriff's office was told the dog's owner had been cited in the past, the dog's owner says that's not true.
“There's been no citations, you can go to animal welfare and go and check yourself. We've never had any citations for our dogs, ever,” said Gray.
Regardless, Gray said their thoughts and prayers are with the boy and his family.
“My husband is torn apart over this. He's emotionally tore up over it, he really is,” said Gray.
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