Wednesday, July 20th 2022, 6:08 am
The Trocadero fountains in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris turned into a swimming pool on Tuesday as tourists and Parisians sought respite from the scorching heat that has struck France and several other regions of Europe.
Temperatures were set to reach 106 degrees Fahrenheit in the French capital on Tuesday, according to weather service Meteo France.
"Abnormally hot, that's the right word," said tourist Mederic Deleglise, from Montpellier in southern France where high temperatures are generally more common. He joined dozens of people sitting by the fountains to get sprayed by water.
"The temperature there (in Montpellier) is about the same. But actually, it's more pleasant in the south than here. It's really like an oven here," he added.
The city of Paris is keeping several parks open through the night, and opened up cooling rooms in town halls to welcome vulnerable residents. People are also encouraged to hydrate themselves, from one of the hundreds of drinking fountains across Paris.
The scalding episode is also unfolding elsewhere in Europe. Britain was forecast to see temperatures hit 104 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time on Tuesday after logging its warmest night on record.
As the heatwave that settled over southern Europe last week edged northwards, southern and western Germany and Belgium were also bracing for potentially record-breaking temperatures, with many scientists pointing the finger of blame at climate change.
A study published by climate scientists in June in the journal "Environmental Research: Climate" concluded it was highly probable that climate change was making heatwaves worse.
"Considering that the month of July started off this hot, with climate change and all that changes it could bring, actually it's a bit scary," Parisian medical assistant Zahira Rachdi said.
The heatwave looks set to peak on Tuesday, but temperatures may remain above normal into the middle of next week, the World Meteorological Organization said, warning that such events could occur with greater frequency in the future.
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