Monday, September 12th 2022, 6:53 pm
Pollsters are finding a greater degree of polarization in most races - Republicans only voting for Republicans, and Democrats sticking with their party.
However, when it comes to Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction race and education issues, analysts are seeing voters switching parties. Results from an exclusive News 9 / News On 6 poll show Democrat Jena Nelson polling at 48.1 percent of the vote, Republican Ryan Walters at 43.1 percent with 8.8 percent undecided. Nelson is the 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year, and Walters is Oklahoma's current state Secretary of Education.
"What we’re seeing is that as many as 17 percent of Republicans are voting for Nelson over Walters, which indicates that Walters has not quite sewn up the support of his own party yet," said pollster Bill Shapard.
Republicans make up 57 percent of registered voters in Oklahoma.
So, who are the Republicans voting for Democrat Jena Nelson, and why?
"(Walters) is doing well in some Republican strongholds, predominantly in Tulsa for example. But he’s not doing well in some rural areas, which are also highly Republican, but this may be over the issue of school choice, and where they are not quite ready to give up funding to their public schools,” Shapard said.
More parents of children polled for Nelson, while older voters polled for Walters.
But pollsters asked something they never have before: which parties are best for parents, children, and teachers?
"Oklahomans identified Democrats and their policies best for teachers, and they identified Republicans and their policies best for parents,” Shapard said.
Shapard is also examining if the long-standing expectation that Democrats get more support on education issues is waning.
"I really think Oklahomans are beginning to question if Democrats still reflect their values with regard to education issues, but we’re not there yet. We can see that in the Walters-Nelson race."
The poll of likely Oklahoma voters has a margin of error at 4.89 percent.
Augusta McDonnell joined 9 News in April of 2021. A Montana native, Augusta graduated from the University of Montana in Missoula with a degree in Journalism. She also studied middle eastern civilizations, theology and politics for two years at Biola University in La Mirada, California.
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