Monday, October 24th 2022, 6:33 pm
Classes were canceled for students in Strother Monday. Strother is about 15 miles north of Seminole.
The classes were canceled after a school maintenance worker allegedly shot and killed his wife on school grounds.
Seminole Nation Lighthorse Police said the location of the killing caused some confusion for Strother residents on Monday morning. They wanted to make sure parents knew this was not a school shooting directed at students.
Douglas Switch Jr. is accused of killing Kim Switch after an argument at their home, which is on Strother School grounds.
"It was just an argument. I believe they stated Douglas had a lot of stress going on," explained Seminole Nation Lighthorse Police Chief Chris Coker.
"The Switches, they lived behind the Strother School. Douglas works for the school as a maintenance, janitor type employment," explained Police Chief Coker. "Sometimes around here, they'll offer housing if they're employed by the school."
Chief Coker said just before 11 p.m. Sunday, the Switch’s were arguing on the front porch. That’s where police say Douglas killed his wife.
"It was three kids. Two of their children and they had a friend there. One of the kids ran to the neighbors and advised what had just happened," explained Police Chief Coker.
The three kids weren't hurt, and police arrested Switch at the home. Police Chief Coker said sadly they saw a similar death less than a week ago.
"The one that had taken place Wednesday was a jealous boyfriend. Usually you'll see an upticks usually maybe in the winter months.. you're not outside, the families are all contained inside but it's been great weather and there's really no rhyme or reason why," said Chief Coker.
Police Chief Coker said because this killing happened on tribal lands between tribal members Switch can face both federal and tribal jurisdictions.
Strother schools did not call News 9 back to share when schools will open again.
October 24th, 2022
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