Monday, January 23rd 2023, 10:44 pm
Several school districts in Oklahoma are preparing for the upcoming school bond election on February 14, 2023.
Mustang, Norman, and Stillwater public schools have big plans if their bonds pass. While each district has specific needs, it all comes down to accommodating growth.
“The total amount is $180.9 million and the majority of that will go towards an elementary that we are calling ‘Elementary Number Nine’ and that will immediately help with the large growth that we’ve seen at our elementary levels,” said Charles Bradley, the Superintendent for Mustang Public Schools.
If the bond is approved, Mustang Public schools will start construction on a new elementary school and a high school expansion. The district currently serves more than 13,000 students and is still growing.
“We would have an elementary school by the 2023-24 school year. The high school expansion would be a little bit longer just because of the size and the shape and we are building on a campus,” he said.
With four lunch periods, Superintendent Bradley said the extra space will allow them to go back to two lunch periods and class sizes back to the mid-’20s.
“The other word I would use to describe this bond is ‘critical’ we have no empty classrooms in the district. We are out of classrooms so without anticipated continued growth we need this new Elementary Number Nine and High School expansion in order to meet those classroom needs,” said Bradley.
The district would also be able to update security measures at all its district sites. MPS isn’t the only school looking to get multi-million-dollar updates, Norman Public Schools hopes to build a standalone facility for the Oklahoma Aviation Academy.
The district also wants to create a multi-sport athletic stadium at Norman North and Update the stadium at Norman high along with classroom additions and routine maintenance at district sites. Stillwater Public Schools also has big plans, they hope voters are on board to build a new high school north of Pioneer Stadium.
They also want to improve their athletic facility, get new extracurricular equipment, and district updates at each school site.
“If people will go to the Oklahoma voting portal, type in their information it will tell you exactly what school district you can vote in, and a real simple test we let people know, if you see a school bus going down your street, that is the school district you can vote for,” said Bradley.
The deadline to request an absentee ballot is next Monday, January 30, 2023.
January 23rd, 2023
November 23rd, 2024
October 12th, 2024
March 26th, 2025