Sunday, March 19th 2023, 10:55 pm
An American Legion post in Little Axe is calling on the community for help. After years of neglect, members say their building desperately needs repairs.
“The building was pretty rundown,” said Michael Tretick.
Tretick took over as commander a year ago at the American Legion Post 274 in Little Axe. He listed from top to bottom everything that is wrong with the building.
“The roof was leaking, the air conditioner didn't work, the heater didn't work,” he said.
American Legion has used the building for 60 years. Tretick says he believes the heating and air conditioning units are original. He said they’ve been inefficient for years and now no longer work.
“It’s warmer outside than it is inside and it's not very warm outside either,” Tretick said.
The post was able to get a new roof but doesn’t have any money to replace the units.
“We brought in a garage propane heater and tried to heat the place and it really didn't make a lot of difference,” he said.
That was during a fundraiser and Tretick said the cost of the propane ate up the profits. On top of that, the lack of heat made it miserable for those who came out to support the post.
“My first fish fry was in February, and it was freezing but fellowship warms it up,” said U.S. Air Force Veteran Valerie Ling.
It’s this camaraderie that keeps Post 274 going. With 30 active members, the post is open to the community and offers support to veterans, active-duty members, and their families.
“It's good for the veterans to get together, have people that know their background and talk and can share stories,” said Jeffery Taylor, U.S. Marine Corp Veteran. “Just support each other if they need it.”
“Of course, half of the veterans are elderly and a lot of them need help whether it be traveling to doctor's appointments or help at home and how ever we can give back to them, I’m more than happy to help them,” Ling added.
Along with fundraisers, the post holds free events for the community.
“We have the Easter Egg Hunt coming up we have Market Days coming up and these are going to be weather permitting,” Ling said. “All days aren't nice in Oklahoma, so if we have to be indoors it would be nice to have climate control.”
However, to do that, it’s going to cost $25,000, so the post started a Fundly campaign to try and raise the money.
“Hopefully we can get something done so it makes it more comfortable to eat on Saturdays,” said John Oswald, U.S. Navy Veteran.
“We'll take every dollar,” Ling said. I pick up every penny.”
Because when the seasons change, the struggle will only heat up.
“Unless we can get these replaced by summer, we're going to be really hurting,” Tretick said.
If you would like to help the Little Axe American Legion 274, or join as a member, check out their Facebook page HERE:
To give to the American Legion HVAC Repair Fundly campaign, click HERE:
March 19th, 2023
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January 6th, 2025
January 6th, 2025
January 6th, 2025
January 6th, 2025