Wednesday, September 6th 2023, 11:16 pm
Authorities said a 73-year-old woman was killed during the Sept. 5th storms that rolled through Delaware County and surrounding areas.
Delaware County Sheriff James Beck said the victim’s injuries looked like she was electrocuted.
Devon Smith told News On 6 that when he came home around 10:20 p.m. on Sept. 5th, he found his roommate on the ground by the passenger side of her car.
He said he then noticed burn marks on the tires and on the rest of the car, so he put two and two together and called 911.
“I attempted to flip her over for CPR because that’s what 911 had instructed me to do, but she was already too gone, and I couldn’t flip her over,” said Smith.
Smith said Judy Conner was his mom's retired friend and moved from Grove just three weeks ago.
“She was a sweet woman,” said Smith. “She needed a place to stay, I gave her a place to stay. Never had any issues with her or anything.”
Sheriff Beck called what happened at the RV park in rural Afton a horrific accident.
“We responded to the scene, and she was pronounced deceased on scene,” said Beck. “It appears to be electrocution from the power lines itself based on observations at the scene. We cannot make that official determination until the medical examiner’s report has been given to us.”
Beck reminds everyone to stay inside during storms and stay at least 35 feet from downed lines.
"If you do find yourself with a live powerline, they recommend that you keep both feet on the ground and that you shuffle away from that area, keeping both feet on the ground without raising one up off the ground,” explained Beck.
As for Smith, a stuffed elephant left inside Conner's damaged car reminds him of her.
“She’s got a bunch of elephant decor in there,” said Smith.
Smith said Conner did not have any family and hopes she can be remembered.
“Pass kindness around, that would honor her the most because she was a very kind woman,” said Smith.
September 6th, 2023
February 25th, 2025
February 24th, 2025
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025