Friday, September 8th 2023, 6:11 am
Monroe Demonstration Academy in Tulsa has started a new program to help provide positive role models for students and help build relationships in the community. It's called the "Men of Monroe" program.
The program brings in men from the community into Monroe Demonstration Academy to encourage students as they go about their day.
Every morning before class starts, students at Monroe will see a group of men welcoming them in and having conversations with them before classes start.
However, these men aren't just there for students in the morning.
The Men of Monroe are there for the students even at lunch, in between classes, as students get on the bus to go home, and even at sporting events after school.
Elmer Thomas, one of the men who facilitates the program, said that while the students may try not to outwardly show their appreciation for this group of men, he knows they do appreciate it and that this group of men is making a big impact on their lives.
"You'll see some of them try to keep their smiles underneath and try to tuck it in, but they love the attention that they are getting. They love the fact that it's the same men that they are seeing day after day coming to greet them and check in on them," Thomas said.
The group hopes that by introducing these students to men who try to set good examples for the students, that the students will learn from them and set good examples for others.
"We want to make sure that our kids are able to see them and make sure that they see this is the role model that you need to be looking up to. These are the mentors that will be helping you to make sure that you’re able to make it to here, to high school, and beyond," Thomas said.
There are currently about 25 men in the program, but Thomas said if anyone is interested in the Men of Monroe program, they can reach out to Monroe Demonstration Academy.
Thomas said they are also looking into doing a female version of the Men of Monroe program because he's had a few women reach out about the program asking how they can help.
September 8th, 2023
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January 20th, 2025