Monday, November 27th 2023, 5:22 pm
Story Update: ODOT Holds Public Meeting For Proposed Glenpool Highway Intersection Improvements
A major road project in Glenpool would remove a stop light on Highway 75, and relieve congestion that blocks the town's Main Street every morning and night.
The plan is to elevate the highway and build a bridge over 141st to keep traffic moving.
Highway 75 is known as "the beeline" to those who frequent it, but it comes to a stop at the only traffic signal between Bartlesville and Okmulgee.
The 141st Street intersection is long overdue for an overhaul, which is on ODOT's schedule for the summer of 2024.
"We are thrilled that something will be done next year because we thought it was a 10-year plan," said Sydney Bland with the Glenpool Chamber of Commerce.
Side roads will maintain access to businesses within a half mile of the intersection, even though some of the median crossovers will be eliminated.
The main problem is the stoplight that backs up traffic beyond the turn lane and it's been a safety concern for ODOT, in addition to the congestion. Highway 75 is also a major trucking route.
"Not having congestion in that area is definitely going to improve safety for travelers on the highway," said T.J. Gerlach with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
Residents like Wyatt Butler worry about the disruptions of the construction, expected to take about 250 days.
"Long term it will be good, it will eliminate congestion here and people will be able to get home quicker," Butler said.
The backups peak at rush hour, but the road is busy all day.
"Just pack a lunch or dinner because you're going to be sitting at that intersection for a while," Bland said.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is holding a public meeting on Tuesday to explain the timeline and plans for reworking the intersection of Highway 75 and 141st Street South in Glenpool.
The current intersection has the only stop light on 75 between Bartlesville and Okmulgee, and stopping highway traffic creates congestion and safety concerns ODOT wants to eliminate.
The meeting is at the Glenpool Conference Center, 12205 S Yukon Ave, from 5:30 – 7 pm.
For more information about ODOT's project and the meeting, click here.
November 27th, 2023
January 31st, 2025
January 31st, 2025
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March 26th, 2025
March 26th, 2025
March 26th, 2025