Wednesday, March 27th 2024, 4:37 pm
At the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds, the OG&E Coliseum is nearing its completion. Wednesday was scheduled to be the topping off ceremony, but it was delayed until Thursday due to weather.
The delay allowed News 9’s Colby Thelen to catch up with former mayor Ron Norick and hear his thoughts on the project.
The MAPS4 Coliseum project broke ground a little more than a year ago, Wednesday they began placing the final roof truss.
“It’s pretty amazing, isn't it,” Norick said.
Has a history with the Jim Norick Arena, a building named after his father, that will now be replaced by the OG&E Coliseum.
“It’ll be a lot more exciting than I will be heartbroken,” Norick said. “My dad’s building is just worn out.”
OG&E was announced as the naming partner during the topping out ceremony, Wednesday morning.
“I think what we’re doing is starting memories today,” Sean Trauschke, CEO of OG&E said. “There’s going to be a lot of memories created here.”
For Norick, who is known as the father of the MAPS projects, he sees the completion of the coliseum as a big milestone.
“It is beyond my wildest imagination,” Norick said.
Jim Norick was also a former mayor and Ron says if he were here he'd be just as excited to see the new coliseum completed.
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