Monday, April 15th 2024, 5:29 am
A recent report from Oklahoma Highway Safety Office says traffic incidents and crashes affect more people than crime.
The Oklahoma Highway Patrol says following too close, changing lanes unsafely and distracted driving are the biggest things troopers see on the roads.
The report from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office said someone is murdered every 30 minutes in the US, but someone dies in a crash every 14 minutes.
The report also says violent crime happens every 24 seconds, but someone is injured in a crash every 13 seconds.
OHP Lt. Mark Southall said people are driving at excessive speeds more than ever.
"If drivers could go back to doing what they were taught and what the law says," Southall said. "We would have a drastic decline in crashes and that’s really what we tried to enforce and what we try to educate drivers on.”
OHP recently posted a picture of a citation a motorcyclist received for going 135 mph in a 50 mph zone.
Lieutenant Southall said following the rules of the road can help prevent crashes from happening.
April 15th, 2024
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