Tuesday, November 12th 2024, 9:27 am
A man who found his car had been stolen Tuesday morning in Oklahoma City is now glad to have his vehicle returned.
Roy Stanzione, owner of a green Kia Soul that was stolen and left abandoned in a neighborhood near Southwest 89th Street and South Pennsylvania Avenue, said he was awoken by his wife who said his car was missing.
"My wife woke me up, said 'Get out of bed your car is getting stolen,'" Stanzione said. "I saw it on the news. I saw it on your channel actually, I sure did. Channel 9."
Oklahoma City Police said Stanzione's vehicle was stolen by two suspects, both juveniles, earlier in the morning.
RELATED: 1 Arrested, Police Continue Search For Second Suspect In SW Oklahoma City
One of the suspects is now in custody as police continue their search for the other.
Stanzione's vehicle had to be towed away from the scene, as it was unable to start.
"I have faith, you know, I said a small prayer," Stanzione said. "It is what it is, you really can't go through life being angry about things that happen. Unfortunately, things happen all the time, everywhere. You just got to move forward from that."
Vehicle owners who may be worried about possible theft of their vehicles have options when it comes to preventing theft.
Car dealerships can install anti-theft devices, and steering wheel locks can be purchased online.
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