Sunday, September 29th 2019, 11:16 pm
A court ruling in a case out of Colorado means women can go topless in Oklahoma.
The federal court ruling prompted a rally Sunday, with a lot of spectators, as a few women went topless at river parks.
Only a handful of woman were topless and they went skating on the River Trail.
More than 100 people came to watch, and a few protesters were there too.
This park at 41st and Riverside Drive was full, with many looking to see what would happen at the "Topless Trail Skate" event.
Jaq Landers and Lex Taylor organized the event, but said they didn't expect many to show up.
"I was just excited that this is happening for us so soon, I would've never thought in a million years that marijuana and then toplessness would be allowed," Taylor said.
They said they're trying to bring awareness to LGTBQ issues and the "Free The Nipple" movement.
The ruling made in the Colorado case affects Oklahoma, Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico and Utah.
It means women can go topless walking down the street, at a public park, or even at a public swimming pool.
The circuit court's decision has gotten backlash, some say it goes against Oklahoma's conservative values.
"Me having two daughters of my own, and actually visiting this park on several occasions, it bears to mind a possible nightmarish reality that's taking place before our own very eyes," James Allen Firth said.
Firth is the founder of Oklahoma Parents Against Public Nudity. He said at first he was going to ignore the ruling, but then his friend told him girls under the age of 18 could go topless as well.
"It's disgraceful there are naked women in this park right now," Firth said. "Parents are just concerned, they want to know why, they don't understand."
Landers and Taylor said it's about making sure women have freedom and equality.
"All chests, all nipples, all colors, I want everyone to feel free and happy in their body when they're skating and trying to have a good time," Taylor said.
But those against it argue the issue needs to be addressed more carefully.
"I also hope that people realize after this event that this is a very serious matter, and we all need to butt heads on this because this is a very conservative state," Firth said.
This ruling applies to public places like the street and the courthouse plaza. Public buildings and private businesses can still have a policy that says everyone has to be clothed before they're allowed inside.
September 29th, 2019
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