Friday, February 12th 2021, 9:21 pm
Tahlequah is expected to be one of the hardest-hit areas for snow, so the city is making sure the most vulnerable are ready for the freezing cold temperatures.
The police department is opening doors to help the homeless weather the winter storm.
Tahlequah Police Chief Nate King's original plan was to have officers hand out supplies on the streets to help the homeless, but reports Thursday night changed his mind.
"While I'm working on the game plan, I see on the Tulsa news last night the Tulsa Police Department had responded to an individual who had expired based on exposure to the elements and at that time I started calling around," he said. "Ultimately this weather is life or death for some of these people that are stuck out in the elements, and we're opening our doors to try to prevent that."
He made arrangements to open the department to anyone struggling to stay warm. King said there are dozens in Tahlequah struggling with shelter and if even one stays at the station, that could be a life saved.
"You need somewhere warm to hang out, even during the day, come to the police department. We have staff here, we have snacks here, we'll feed you. Maybe play a game of monopoly with you," he said.
In only a day, volunteers flooded storage rooms with donations to help. King said around 500 coats, 500 blankets, gloves, shoes, and food were all donated. He said it'll go a long way
The donations will get people through the immediate crisis but King thinks they could last and keep helping for years.
You can find out more on how to donate by visiting the City of Tahlequah website.
For a list of locations that will shelter people from the cold, visit this story here.
February 12th, 2021
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