Thursday, September 1st 2022, 6:12 pm
In a video shared by state Rep. Logan Phillips, secretary of education Ryan Walters said teacher and administrator credentials can and should be taken away when rules are broken.
The name at the top of Walters’ list is now-former Norman High School teacher Summer Boismier.
"If you don't have a teaching certificate or an administrator certificate, you're not working in schools. The state superintendent can take those away,” Walters said in the video.
On top of his calls for the former Norman High's teacher's credentials, Walters tweeted out a letter on state letterhead a letter in which he calls out that former Norman High School teacher by name.
"The state superintendent in that department can absolutely do that,” Walters also said in the video. “There's no reason we shouldn't have been doing that. I will be doing that.”
Boismier didn’t want to comment for this story. She resigned after a parent complained about something their student learned in Boismier's English class. It wasn't a specific topic or lesson discussed.
Secretary Walters said she gave access to pornographic books and materials along with what he called the “liberal political agenda.”
Teacher lobbyist group Professional Oklahoma Educators agreed.
"She probably felt very strongly to be an activist. Probably good to keep your activists' attitudes outside of the classroom," POE executive director Ginger Tinney said. "The parent is saying, ‘That's not appropriate with my child.’”
Physical books were not in the classroom. Instead, Boismier provided a QR code to open the literary, the Brooklyn Public Library and its "Books Unbanned" page.
She was placed on administrative leave prior to her resignation.
"The school administrators are probably afraid that this parent was going to go and complain and of course -- seeing what has happened in Mustang and Tulsa -- they didn't want to be the third school that their accreditation could be in jeopardy," said Tinney.
Oklahoma Educators Association president Katherina Bishop fired back with the following statement.
“The OEA is concerned about the action today of a statewide education political appointee demanding the State Board of Education revoke the certificate of a teacher. This is problematic because it is based on an inaccurate interpretation of the facts and state law. It is not only harmful to the target of his comments but also embroils him and others in unneeded controversy.
“Instead of wasting his time on creating a political spectacle, we ask that he spend more time resolving the real issues facing the students of Oklahoma, such as the growing educator shortage crisis and the broadening resource gaps created from underfunding our public schools who serve every child, not just some.”
“All Oklahomans expect teachers to follow state law,” Secretary Walters told News 9. “Pornography in the classrooms is never acceptable. Good teachers don't indoctrinate.”
September 1st, 2022
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