Saturday, December 2nd 2023, 3:25 pm
An Oklahoma State fraternity is believed to have details on the dead longhorn that was found in a front yard Friday morning, authorities say.
The Stillwater Police Department said a multi-jurisdictional investigation indicates that members of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity have "imperative information about the acquisition, transportation, and dumping," of the animal.
Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) issued the following statement on Saturday:
Authorities said initial necropsy results show the animal was suffering from a natural disease, but final results from the OSU Animal Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory should be available soon. This will include time of death, cause of death and if there is evidence of animal cruelty.
Stillwater Police are working with the university, Oklahoma Agriculture Investigative Services Unit, Noble County Sheriff’s Office, and the OSU Animal Science Department regarding the Longhorn carcass found in the front yard of FarmHouse Fraternity, off-campus Oklahoma State University near West 3rd Ave. and South Monroe Street.
Police said that whoever is responsible could be facing various animal cruelty-related charges. Police called the actions "heinous" and "unlawful" on Saturday.
The animal had its stomach sliced open and was branded with profanity that appeared to be aimed at the fraternity whose yard it was in.
The FarmHouse Fraternity released this statement just after noon on Friday:
"This morning it was discovered that a deceased carcass of a Longhorn cow had been discarded in the front yard of our chapter house, branded with a phrase referencing our chapter in an inappropriate manner. We immediately reported the incident to local authorities and are working with them as they continue their investigation.
As a chapter founded on principles driven by our agricultural roots, we're just as sickened and surprised by this incident as our peers on campus. It is disheartening to see the disregard for proper animal welfare and treatment displayed by this situation.
To our knowledge, no Farm House member was involved in this incident and we do not condone cruelty or defacing of livestock in any manner."
OSU President Kayse Shrum added that they expect this case to be prosecuted.
"While we do not yet know who is responsible, a criminal investigation is underway into a shocking and deeply disturbing act of animal cruelty that was reported this morning near the OSU campus. We expect that authorities will prosecute this case to the full extent of the law, and we stand with the Stillwater community in condemning this reprehensible act, which in no way represents the values of our institution," wrote Shrum.
Students on campus say the whole thing is unsettling.
"I was certainly, for a lack of a better word, surprised. I didn't really have any words. I'm honestly curious about the backstory behind that," said student Tyler Smith.
"It was kind of sad to see obviously. I don't know who was the culprit of it, but it was just sad to see that," said student Anna Wetsell.
Until the questions are answered, students say they're still disturbed.
"I thought it was really disgusting for another human to do that; that's just awful," said student Dailee Taylor.
Police said that they are checking cameras in the area to see exactly when the animal was dropped off there and are asking anyone with information to come forward.
**Warning The Images Below May Be Upsetting**
Photos provided by Kennedy Thomason and The O'Colly
December 2nd, 2023
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
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